Well, I think I ain't really want them to do that cause I ain't like root beer too much. It'ud be better if they all gave differnt stuff so then you could get whatever you wanted. I'd get me a Cherry Coke cow.
Course maybe it'ud be good if they can give both, cause there's lotsa sugar in root beer, so they could pretty much make you a root beer float right there. Now that'ud be real cool. I like root beer real fine in a root beer float.
Umm, it gets pretty hot in India, hello? So maybe you would enjoy cooling off with two root beer slurpees: one to chill your gut inside and the other to refrigerate your fried head outside. If you wike, I can show you how to apply slurpee to your exterior in the most expeditious manner, kk? (Well, I kinda already did dat in de cafeteria last week :P) Ah, is there anyfing more refined than slurpee chit chat? *mulls this over and arrives at a conclusion* "Nope."